Mediatization of Politics in History

Mediatization of Politics in History

Huub Wijfjes en Gerrit Voerman (red.), Mediatization of Politics in History Leuven: Peeters 2009 265 pag. ISBN 978-90-429-2205-1 Zie hier de inhoudsopgave van deze bundel Een bundel Engelstalige beschouwingen over politiek in mediageschiedenis   buy book...
Music says it all

Music says it all

Short description of publication Chapter about the history of music in radio and interaction with the public. Why is the relation of radio and music strong as it was in 90 years and still is? A case study of the succes of Top 2000, a program concept of public radio in...
The New Left 50 years

The New Left 50 years

Short description of publication Chapter about the strong linkages of New Left (the political renewal movement within the Labour Party) and public broadcasting association VARA between 1966 and 1976 buy book...
In this House. Two centuries Dutch Parliament

In this House. Two centuries Dutch Parliament

Titel:In this house. Two centuries of Dutch Parliament Tijdschrift:  Jaartal: 2015 Auteurs: Remieg Aerts, Carla van Baalen, Joris Oddens, Diederik Smit, Henk te Velde (red.) ISBN: 9789089531995 Project Tagsbroadcasting broadcasting history censorship catholicism...